An important recent conversation with an old friend, revealed to me the huge ramifications of Father's Day.
No, not just the Day itself, but of you forgetting it completely (or at the very least, failing to get in early and sending a card thereby showing him how much you love your him...or not). If you yourself are a father, particularly a new father, it's a lot easier to remember of course and you now understand the importance of the Day (now that you are in the same shoes as your good old dad).
If you're not sure what to give him but he loves his wine just like you, why not give him one of those big, bad Riedel Vinum glasses. They're great. They will provide complexity on anything poured into them... instantly. They're not just for drinking so called 'Burgundy' or Pinot Noir either. At home we put everything in them except cold beer and rosé. They really are huge (about 500 ml or so). The bad news is they aren't cheap.
Last time I looked they were selling for between $30 and $60 each. The great news is they're surprisingly robust for such a fine crystal vessel. We've only broken one over the years and that's with constant use.
Of course, if you pop them in the dish washer...then they'll smash for sure. So just be gentle when you dry them or pack them away. They come in packs of four with protective cardboard inserts in a divided box. This way you both get mountains of joy sharing great wine with each other. Give it a go.
If you or indeed your dad are the literary types, you can add to his present with a fancy little notebook. That way, every time he opens the box, he can re-live that great bottle, reading who he drank it with, (that's you), what it tasted like, what you ate with it.. all of the important stuff!
If that doesn't sound like you, you can always just get him a great card, give him a big hug and share one of your bottles of Enfant Terrible wine that you have had 'laying down' for a 'special occasion'.
If that was me, and I was your dad, I'd be very happy indeed.
Here at our property in Milton, we're going to be having a quiet Father's Day and just enjoying each other's company. This will include a leisurely lunch at the cottage and most likely a bottle of our Cabernet Sauvignon followed by some of our Old Tawny. We're also hoping for some sunshine as the weather has been hit and miss here on the South Coast of New South Wales.
Happy Fathers' Day to al the dads out there! - JP